Top Ten Tuesday – 10 Meals I Need To Cook ASAP


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog event hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. 

As some of you may know I love to cook. Making meals is my favorite part of the day, and I love to make most things from scratch. So I thought today’s theme was a great idea! Here is a list of some of meals I read about in books that I want to try and cook!

1. Redwall by Brian Jacques. 

Pretty much every meal in any of Jacques book are amazing. In fact I’m planning on buying the Redwall Cookbook one of these days.  But the meal that I remember the most was the soup the otters make, their Hotroot Soup has shrimp and veggies and it sounded amazing.


2. Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban By J.K.Rowling. 

Ooh again, so many different things that I want to make from these books! But specifically I’m thinking Butterbeer! I’ve found a couple of recipes for this, some alcoholic and some not, I’m hoping to make both.


3. The Bad Beginning By Lemony Snicket. 

There are a lot of bad things that happen to the children in this book, but one good thing is the food that they made. Pasta Puttanesca! Artichokes and olives and tomato sauce, yum!


4. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.

The food at this circus sounds like heaven. The apples and popcorn. I’m not usually the one who makes popcorn, Grant does that. But I might help him next time and add something sweet to the batch.


5. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

The cheese rolls from this book sounds amazing. My mom and grandmother actually make the most amazing cheese rolls, and I fully intend to make them myself someday.


6. Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin. 

I can’t actually remember which book they first mention meat pies in, but I’d never really liked the idea before now.  Now, it’s fall time and I like making warm foods and meat pies sound like the best thing for this season!


7. The Red Abbey Chronicles: Maresi by Maria Turtschaninoff.

This book had a lot of really great food scenes. They made a lot of herb breads, with fresh cheese. Unfortunately I can’t make my own cheese at this point, but herb breads are definitely on my list.


8. Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder.

Now these candies from the book were actually not that great, but they sounded amazing. They were caramel and melted in your mouth. Candy making is one of the next things on my list to try.


9. The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli.

Who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookies? In this book Molly makes some really great sounding cookies that she puts in mason jars. It sounded like a really cool idea for a party.


10. The Goblins of Bellwater by Molly Ringle. 

Grady is an amazing cook in this book, and there were so many times that I wished he was a real character that I could take lessons from! Pretty much every meal was something that I want to make.

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That’s all on my list! Don’t forget to post a link to your list in the comments.


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