Weekend Cooking – What I Eat in a Day

Weekend Cooking is a weekend blog meme hosted by The Intrepid Reader and Baker.

Today I’m 15 weeks pregnant and this last week has been the best week I’ve had in awhile. It’s amazing how much more energy I have now. Yesterday I cleaned for two hours before I got tired and it didn’t wipe me out like it would have just three weeks ago. And like I wrote last week I’m getting back into cooking! So today I wanted to talk about what I eat in a day.

Since today is Sunday and I felt so good I decided to cook up the rest of our bacon, which was not much but enough to have two pieces. I was also in the mood for egg burritos, I’ve been on a kick where all I want to eat is eggs. I had a craving for son-in-law eggs and I hope I get to make those very soon.

For lunch I had chicken in the crockpot with various different salsas I had leftover, I cooked it on high for a couple of hours. My idea for this meal was based off of this recipe that I randomly came across. After the chicken finished cooking I shredded it, added cream cheese, placed the mixture between tortillas, added cheese and cooked briefly on the stove. This was such a fun meal, creamy, little spicy, chicken goodness that melted in the mouth.

Dinner was just leftovers, not worth noting or taking pictures of. But I made two meals today which I count as a win. What did you cook this week?

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